Kincorth Wall Mural (2)
“They (UNCRC) make us more independent and make us choose and think”
CashBack Connecting Through Creativity worked with Aberdeen Youth Movement to co-design a number of workshops that would focus on raising awareness of young people’s rights and The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Having successfully completed a wall mural at Kincorth Community Centre in summer 2023, the local community was keen to have us return to complete another wall mural. The young people who took part in the summer workshops were from Touch of Love (TOL). This is an organisation that supports minority ethnic children and young people who may be experiencing a range of issues such as poverty, deprivation, isolation and loneliness.
Over the four sessions participants were introduced to a range of art history and used art examples, line and colour as a springboard to discuss different rights within the UNCRC. From this they experimented with different print making and mark making techniques to explore how qualities of line colour and texture can be used to communicate different rights. After the initial activities in the project there was then a peer led discussion about the rights that had been discussed and how this linked to their community. Common themes were established and young people were able to use previous work from the activities and bring this together to develop new shapes and patterns around their rights, how it feels when they have them and how their community supports them to have their rights. These shapes and patterns were then brought together to form a composition for the wall mural.