AVENUE is proud to support The Promise, the Scottish Government’s pledge that all children grow up loved, safe, respected and able to realise their full potential.
The Promise was launched in February 2020 following a wide-ranging, root-and-branch investigation of children’s services by the Independent Care Review. The review heard evidence from more than 5,500 care-experienced young people and adults as well as dozens of organisations who work to support vulnerable children and young people across Scotland.
At Avenue, we are clear that The Promise is a learning opportunity for us as a charity, for the agencies we work with and for Scotland as a whole. We should all be asking searching questions of ourselves, such as ‘Where do we need to improve?’, ‘What is going well?’ and ‘Are we offering the right support to everyone who needs it?’.
Avenue’s Promise Pledge
Avenue will listen to the views of children, young people and families and use them to inform how we develop our services.
Avenue will champion the rights of children and young people.
Avenue will find ways to enable the voices and experiences of people who use our services, members of our team and colleagues in partner agencies.
Avenue will build confidence amongst our staff to make changes in the way we do things in the best interests of the children, young people and families we support.
Avenue will work towards a system that has the child/ young person and families at the centre and is based on love, care and respect, ensuring equality and social justice for all and being committed to getting it right for every child (GIRFEC).
Avenue commits to the ongoing, continuous improvement of services to ensure we’re always doing all we can to effectively support the families we work with.