Middlefield Summer Sessions
“I’m so glad I came today, You’s have inspired me to do art later when I get home.”
Middlefield Youth Hub and Avenue came together over the summer to provide local young people with some exciting, collaborative and fun art sessions through Avenue’s Connecting Through Creativity Project. Over the few weeks, the group learned how to do multiple art activities such as: T-shirt and tote bag print designs, lino-cutting and badge making. The sessions each week were designed to make the young people think about colours, patterns and shapes to come up with a recognisable logo design for their Youth Hub and what exactly it means to them and the community. They discussed a lot about different types of logos, how they stand out and started to think about some ideas for their logo. The young people loved making their own unique patterns and shapes to stamp onto their T-shirts and tote bags, some of them even wore their T-shirts the following week! Everyone was really engaged with each art activity and took great pride in showing off their work.